Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jason, Jason, and Connor

What a wonderful time spent this weekend with my son Jason, grandsons Jason Jr and Connor. I noted that both young gentlemen exhibited character traits that were investigative, innovative, and instigative.

Each spent time exploring all things new and different. First was Kandi, a tiny toy poodle that will charm most anyone. Kandi, not being used to company, is visibly shy to the point that she will get nervous shakes. For this reason she was isolated most of the time, although that in itself will prevent her from ever being un-shy. On Saturday morning Connor got up early enough to pet her for awhile. They seemed to hit it off pretty good.

Then there was the pool. Certainly not new in their life, this one was in a different place at a different time. After locating some safety articles for both, we joined the fellows in the pool. I stayed in for perhaps 30 minutes but Jason and the boys spent about 2 hours. The heat of the day made it a very enjoyable experience.

Saturday afternoon we spent at Thelma's place. Mom, Judy, Thelma, Rob, Angie, Arwen, Jason, Jason, Connor, Jeanie, and myself spent time together. This was the first time for Connor to meet many members of the family. We cooked burgers and dogs outside on the grill. Jeanie did all the major prep work the day before so I really have to give her thanks for the wonderful time we all had.

Today we all slept in and the boys woke up excited about the new day. Quickly they donned their garb for the trip north to Louisville. A breakfast of waffles and some chocolate milk made by Jeanie got them through their breakfast. Then both were off to the digitized world with the PSP and Gameboy.

Now, they are on the road to Louisville. I always love these moments spent with family and wish them a safe trip home. I always look forward to the next visit.

1 comment:

GreatGirl said...

You and Jeanie...Brave, BRAVE people! :-)